Check out these awesome science videos for kids and enjoy some extreme science. Watch metal exploding, an egg squeeze into a bottle, a giant dust storm, a futuristic mind control device and a huge volcanic eruption from space. | Metal Explosion Watch in amazement at what happens when you add a little water to the most reactive metals in the world. | | Egg in a Bottle Watch an egg being sucked into a bottle with some help from an interesting science principle. | | Mind Control Step into the future and see what kind of advanced technology companies are working on. | | Dust Storm This is no ordinary dust storm, watch as the strength of the wind increases and the particles take off. | | Eruption from Space Check out this incredible volcanic eruption as seen by astronauts on the International Space Station. |
| |  Add to your science knowledge with some amazing facts and trivia. 
The surface temperature of the Sun is around 5500 °C while its core is over 13 million °C! 
Rafflesia arnoldii produces the largest flower of any plant on Earth. Also known as the "corpse flower" due to its disgusting smell, it reaches up to 1 metre in diameter and 10kg in weight. 
Blue whales can produce sound up to 188 decibels, louder than a vuvuzela at 1m (120 dB) or a jet engine at 30 metres (150 dB). |
Enjoy a range of awesome science experiments. Make a diet coke eruption, breed bacteria and make eggs float. | Breeding Bacteria Have fun breeding bacteria samples on agar plates. How fast do these tiny microorganisms reproduce? | | Diet Coke Eruption Have you ever tried adding mentos to diet coke? Try this fun experiment and see what happens! | | Floating Eggs This amazing experiment involves adding salt to water in order to create a liquid with a density that allows an egg to float in it. |
| |  Check out this selection of amazing science pictures and photos. Enjoy optical illusions, amazing tsunami images, biological pictures, fossilized dinosaurs, incredible photos of supernovae and more.
When it comes to weather, some days just aren't like the others. Check out these amazing weather videos that show just how powerful mother nature can be. | Powerful Tornadoes Check out some of the biggest tornadoes ever as they create havoc on an untamed path of destruction. | | Cruise Ship Cyclone This isn't what you expect when you book a relaxing cruise. Watch a huge cruise ship being thrown around during a cyclone. | | Hail Storm This extreme weather video clip features an intense hail storm. Watch giant hail stones shatter windows and smash cars as they fall from the sky. |
| |  Enjoy some incredible science facts and amazing trivia related to record temperatures, animals and the human body. 

| The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth is 57.8 °C (136 °F) in Libya. The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth is -89.2 °C (-128.6 °F) in Antarctica. A male giraffe can weigh as much as 1400 kilograms! Fully grown tyrannosaurus rex weighed up to 6800 kilograms!! The Nile River is around 6650 kilometres (4132 miles) in length. An average human being breathes in about 11000 litres of air every day. |