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Fun Animal Facts for Kids

Explore our wide variety of animal facts and learn some fun trivia about our friends in the animal kingdom.

Interesting Information about Brown BearsFun Brown Bear Facts for Kids

Check out our range of fun brown bear facts for kids. Learn what they look like, where they live, what they eat, how they behave and much more. Read on for all kinds of interesting information about brown bears!


  • Brown bears are large animals with shaggy hair and long claws.
  • There are around 200,000 brown bears found in different parts of the world, including Asia, Europe and North America.
  • The largest populations of brown bears are found in Russia (over 100,000).
  • Brown bears found in North America are often called grizzly bears.
  • Another name for the brown bear is “bruin”.
  • Brown bears can stand on their back legs and even walk a few steps.
  • Brown bears partially hibernate through the winter in dens.
  • They eat a large amount of food in the warmer months, potentially doubling their weight in preparation for winter.
  • Brown bears are omnivores, eating all kinds of different foods, including grass, berries, moss, insects, fish and more. Around 90% of their energy comes from plants.
  • Brown bears spend most of their time alone.
  • Adult male brown bears can be aggressive and are typically avoided by younger bears. Female brown bears with cubs can also be very hostile.
  • When fighting, brown bears strike each other with their paws while also attempting to bite the neck or head.
  • Brown bears avoid humans most of the time but can attack if they feel threatened, especially mothers with cubs.
  • Male brown bears do not raise their cubs, the job of parenting is left to females.
  • Cubs rely on their mother, learning many skills for living in the wild such as where to find a den and which foods to eat at the right time.

    Grizzly bear facts








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