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Fun Food Facts for Kids

Grape Facts - Calories, Sugar, Vitamins, Uses, Vines, Nutritional Information
Grape Facts for Kids

Check out our fun grape facts for kids. Have fun learning about different types of grapes, where they grow, what they contain, their uses, nutritional information and much more.

Read on and enjoy discovering more about grapes!


  • Grapes are a type of fruit you might find in large bunches. They come in many different colors including green, purple, black, yellow, orange, crimson, pink and dark blue.

  • White grapes (actually green in color), evolved from the purple grape after mutations in the genes linked to color.

  • The cultivation of grapes began around 8,000 years ago, most likely in the Middle East.

  • Grapes have been used to make wine for thousands of years. Popular wines include sauvignon blanc, cabernet, merlot, riesling and chardonnay.

  • Grapes can be dried and eaten as raisins or sultanas.

  • Leading grape producers include China, the United States, Italy, France, Spain, Turkey, Chile, Argentina, Iran and South Africa.

  • Around 71% of grapes are used to make wine, 27% for fresh fruit, and 2% dried.

  • Wine grapes tend to have seeds and a thicker skin than table grapes.

  • Grapes and raisins can be toxic to dogs, leading to potential kidney issues.

  • Grapes are made up of approximately 81% water, 18% carbohydrates, 1% protein and almost no fat.

  • Grapes contain around 16 grams of sugar per 100 grams. Roughly 15 grams per cup.

  • Grapes contain around 69 calories per 100 grams.

  • Grapes aren’t particularly high in essential nutrients but do contain a reasonable amount of vitamin K.


More Food Facts:
Grape Facts





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